Appreciating the Small Things is Key to Contentment

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Appreciating the Small Things is Key to Contentment

The Small Things & Happiness

Many people believe that when you appreciate the small items in life, you are well on your way to being happy. But, what is happiness? Most emotions are transitional meaning you are never in one state for long periods. People who are considered upbeat will have moments of sadness or depression. Even depressed people are not depressed all the time. They have moments of happiness, too.

Life Continues On

Think about a major event such as a war. When two countries are fighting, both sides lose lives. It is bloody, and it can last for several years. But, when the war is over, the countries are euphoric. There will be no more bloodshed because of the war, and people can return to their homes.

However, there is nothing that has changed in the world except that the war has ended. In other words, the sun still sets each day. People still have to manage their lives. The euphoria from the war ending doesn’t last long. Months later, the war is still over, but the euphoria has died down.


The same is true in a smaller way when you have a bad sickness. For instance, suppose you have a stomach bug that leaves you uncomfortable and in pain. When the bug passes, and you are better, you feel wonderful. However, you don’t feel any better than you did when you weren’t experiencing the bug. It’s relative to the bad feelings. That’s how emotional states work. They go from one to the other on a constant basis.


Appreciating the small things in life may lead to happiness. But, it’s likely you are content more than you are happy. Contentment can almost be thought of as a neutral state, leaning on the side of happy. There isn’t anything wrong when you are content. But, there also isn’t anything that is making you overly happy.

There may be too much pressure striving for happiness when you should be striving for contentment. The good news is your appreciation for small aspects of your life will lead to contentment without having to worry about trying to make yourself happy all the time. Those times will occur naturally.

Appreciation Leads to Contentment

I try to spend at least a moment each day looking for contentment. I like to get a nice cup of tea and look around at all the things I have to appreciate and be content about. These are usually my family, friends, a clean house, a nice meal, perhaps just the cup of tea I’m drinking, or even the song I’m listenting to at that time.

If you spend most of your life content, you are doing something right. Think about all the people you love and what you have, such as your health and a good job, etc. If you try to imagine life without them, you will truly appreciate your contentment. That thought may even make you happy for a short period.

8 Replies to “Appreciating the Small Things is Key to Contentment”

  1. This is well written and touches on what I think is one of the most important aspects of life. Appreciating what we have does provide contentment. Being content day after day even if it’s not all day every day, makes for a beautiful life.

  2. Very good mindset to start the new year. I appreciate a cup of tea or coffee like few people do LOL I aim to actively implement this mentality in my new blogging journey.

  3. I love the idea of contentment versus happiness. Happiness is fleeting. I associate contentment more with joy which can be an internal state not always based on other emotions. Thank you for talking about taking some time each day to think of the blessings in our lives that can keep us content.

  4. It really does help to look at the small things in life. When we focus on what is positive then the negative may not seem so bad. Life is short. I would rather focus on the good, because the bad and bad times will always come and go.

  5. Hello,
    You are so right! I have started appreciating the small things and it makes the bad times better.
    Great post- it is always good to be reminded and reading something like you wrote is a great reminder.

  6. I enjoyed this post. I agree, that contentment is so important. It is what I want – To feel contentment. A gratitude practice is really helpful in recognizing and feeling contentment. There is so much to be thankful for and feel appreciation for if we just take some time to acknowledge it. Thanks for sharing!!

  7. It’s so important to distinguish between contentment and happiness – being content is the building block that can lead to happiness, but is also fulfilling in its own right. great post – and yes, that cup of tea!

  8. I really like this! I think so many people have lost this ability. They are always are on the chase for the next best thing and don’t see what they have already. I believe things don’t make us happy but what is within ourselves makes us happy. If that is wrong, nothing helps. Great post!

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